2015 Year In Review

January 01, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Another year has come and gone! 2016 marks Jenny Lynn Photography's 4th year! I came into photography as a hobby. I had no idea how much work and time it would actually take when I started this journey but every minute has been worth it! I have met the most awesome people, clients and fellow photographers. I am so thankful! <3

As I am sitting here uploading some favorite photos I have realized that 2015 brought a lot of firsts for me! Fresh 48, Trash The Dress, a styled shoot and my first in person workshop (With the fabulous Meg Bitton in NYC)! How fun!!  :-)

2015 started out with lots of babies!! I did my first Fresh 48 (which I LOVED! It is more of a lifestyle session within 48 hours of the baby's birth) and a few newborn sessions.

Late winter brought me plenty of One Year sessions and Cake Smashes! I just love this age. Usually I don't have to work TOO hard to get a smile out of them, but even if they aren't smiling they are still so gosh darn cute!! I started playing around with more artsy textures and edits on portraits and Uggghh.. I am in love. It is so much fun to me. I would LOVE to do more of these 

sessions in 2016!

Time to get dirty!! I always say the messier the better!! ;-) Spring time brought some much anticipated time outside!! What a winter we had stuck inside!!

Spring time also brought another baby boom! :-)

It Ahhh... Sweet sweet summer!!

I had the opportunity to do my first styled shoot at the end of the summer! My gosh we had so much fun!! I also would love to do more of these sessions in 2016! :-)

In comes fall!! The busiest few months of the year! Fall foliage then it moves right into Christmas!

The end of the year was quite exciting with a workshop in NYC with Meg Bitton! She is an amazingly talented artist. This was one of the models for our shoot <3 Meg inspired me to go out and work on more fine art shoots which is something I absolutely LOVE!! Definitely more of these to come in 2016! :-)

Thank you so much supporting me and my dreams!! Here is to a new year of learning and growing!! :-)


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